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18th - 24th September 2023
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Worm Composting

Worm composting is using worms to recycle food scraps and other organic material into compost called worm compost or vermicompost. Worms eat the scraps, which become compost as they pass through the worm's body. Compost exits the worm through its tail end.

A sale sign with a red background.

£ 29.99 GBP

Normal Price:

These 4 stylish legs add to the appeal of the Maze Worm Farm. This unique option ensures the worm farm fits into any well designed porch, balcony or any part of your house.

A sale sign with a red background.

£ 14.99 GBP

Normal Price:

These 4 legs add to the appeal and the appearance of the Maze Worm Farm. This unique option ensures the worm farm fits into any well designed porch, balcony or any part of your house.

A sale sign with a red background.

£ 15.99 GBP

Normal Price:

Allow liquid from the Maze wormery to be tapped continuously for the benefit of your garden.

A sale sign with a red background.

£ 79.99 GBP

Normal Price:

Optimise your wormery project with our three-shelf metal unit, which creates a base for three working Maze wormeries.

A sale sign with a red background.

£ 59.99 GBP

Normal Price:

Recycle more waste by adding another Maze wormery on the same footprint with this two-shelf metal unit.

A sale sign with a red background.

£ 79.99 GBP

Normal Price:

Also known as a wormery, a worm farm makes a rewarding and educational project for children, showing how these tiny creatures are essential to the earth and therefore to us.

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