A black circle with a white center.
A green and orange sign that says Hot Composting Week.
13th - 21st September 2025

We want to educate, inspire and encourage people to hot compost. It's fun, fast and rewarding and we have some things in store to help you engage your followers and get involved.

Website address: www.compostguy.co.uk/hot-composting-week
Hashtags: #hotcompostingweek
Instagram: Tag @compostguy.uk

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What is Hot Composting?

Your Guide to 'hot composting'.

Hot composting is where you manage the contents of the compost to optimise the natural composting process, which raises the heat of the contents to an optimum temperature.

Social Media Resources

Engage your followers

We have created logos, animations and social media post images for you to download, edit and use to engage your followers in Hot Composting Week.
Visit the Resource Centre

YouTube Videos

Watch and share our videos :)
Social Media

Follow the week on Instagram

About Us

Adam, founder of Compost Guy wanted to create a week of dedicated resources about 'Hot Composting' to educate and inspire people to get involved.

Please contact us on hello@compostguy.co.uk
Adam Johannes, the Compost Guy with a black jacket and a smile.